Helping people live better with cancer

Wellspring Cancer Support is a registered charity offering programs and services that meet the non-medical needs of people living with cancer, their caregivers and family members. Programs are available free-of-charge and without referral. 

If you or a loved one has cancer, Wellspring is here for you.

What you'll receive:

The types of programs you'll find at Wellspring

Wellspring’s programs fall under six main areas:

10,489 people served across Canada in 2021

Here's what our members say ...

“I am better equipped to cope with the stress of being a caregiver. I no longer feel isolated in this experience and know that I have support and resources that I can call on when needed. It is a great comfort that I carry with me throughout my day.”

“Through support and counselling programs I found hope and emotional support. I learned coping skills and how to create new and healthy habits and practices that have made me feel happier, more hopeful and less stressed about my terminal illness. I feel more like myself again.”

“I found my experience at Wellspring to be comforting, educational, fun and reassuring. I felt respected, heard and understood.”

Proud charitable organizations

Wellspring is network of charitable organizations, funded solely through the generosity of donors. Donations support those living with cancer. 

Wellspring Cancer Support Foundation’s charitable registration number: 89272 8940 RR0001

Strong partnerships

Wellspring seeks credible partnerships to increase coordination and maximize resources for our cancer community.